How to Find CSPs Committed to a Strong Cybersecurity Posture

Published December 4, 2023
by Jordan Hickam
Best CSPs for Cybersecurity: Ensuring a Strong Posture

Falling victim to a cyberattack or data breach can cause significant, devastating—and sometimes irreversible—financial and reputational damage. Constantly evolving and sophisticated cyber threats present an ongoing challenge for organization leaders looking for cybersecurity solutions that meet their needs and fit their budgets. When researching the cybersecurity marketplace and procuring partnerships with cloud service providers (CSPs) to host critical business information, organizations must take preemptive measures to ensure providers are committed to a strong cybersecurity posture. 

How can you research and find CSPs committed to a strong cybersecurity posture?

There’s no shortage of “best-of” lists touting products and services, but how can you tell if a company has paid to be on the list or if they are objectively one of the best? Some of the cybersecurity industry’s trusted authorities are listed below.

Gartner’s Peer Insights and “Magic Quadrants”

Gartner’s Peer Insights and “Magic Quadrants” include thorough research that’s well-regarded and respected across various technology categories and industries. The Magic Quadrant reports—such as recent entries on public cloud IT transformation services or cloud infrastructure and platform services—position the technology players within a specific market into four unique categories:

  • Leaders execute their current vision well and are well-positioned for tomorrow.
  • Visionaries understand where the market is going or have a vision for changing market conditions but don’t yet execute well.
  • Challengers execute well today or may dominate a large segment but don’t demonstrate an understanding of future market direction.
  • Niche Players successfully target a small segment or don’t focus on out-innovating and or outperforming others.

More Gartner Peer Insights include reviews and ratings of companies and providers focusing on, among others:

Forrester’s Wave

Forrester’s Wave reports provide similarly thorough research and reviews on different technology and service providers in various industries—for a price. Its Q1 2023 Wave report on multicloud managed service providers, for example, identifies 11 providers who matter most and how they stack up in a 29-criterion evaluation. 


G2 is a popular peer-to-peer review platform featuring millions of reviews on software solutions and service providers across IT infrastructure, management, and much more:


TrustRadius features nearly half a million reviews and ratings from 100% verified users and is a trusted platform for B2B customer insights into information technology, cloud services, and related listings. Its “Top Rated” award distinguishes products and providers that qualify under strict criteria for recency, ratings, and relevance in their respective fields, including:

Technology journalism and media outlets such as Solutions Review regularly publish independent roundups and reviews, such as the website’s 25 Best Cloud Managed Service Providers to Consider for 2023 list, which examines the capabilities and security of more than two dozen providers. The website also produces a Buyer’s Guide for Cloud Managed Service Providers and a Cloud MSP Vendor Map to help companies find the right CSP with the proper cybersecurity posture for their needs. 

Still Unsure? Just Join RAMPxchange.

RAMPxchange is designed to be a one-stop shop and thriving marketplace where private and public sector organizations of all sizes can access a vast network of cybersecurity services, solutions, and products. You’ll find experienced, trusted, and verified providers who are wholly and continuously committed to raising their own cybersecurity standards to strengthen the cybersecurity posture of entire industries collectively. Contact our team today to learn more and join.